22 February 2011

In my absence..... ARRATE

Sorry I can't be with you these days. However, this is the work you should be doing in class. Look for your level and class. Thank you!:

2º MCM  levels 2 (arrate)

• Photocopies: reason, purpose and contrast clauses

• Language development 2. pg 159

• Use of English 1. pg 160

• Use of English 2 Pg 161

• Language development 3. pg 162

1º MCM Bonus:Revision B: pg 56,57, 58

1º MCM  C level 2:

• Reading. Pg 122,123

• Language development 1. pg 124, 125

• Workbook: vocabulary pg 82 ex 2,3,4

• Language development 1 pg. 83 1, 2, 3


  1. Hey Arrate, so are you ill or something?? Hope you get better!!

  2. thanks alicia for your interest!... the reason for not being there is asthma. I wasn't feeling well for the last few days and doctors have suggested me to rest for a while. Don't think it will be too long, though. In the meanwhile, please, continue working....
