24 November 2010

What the "ain´t" is "ain´t"?

The contraction of negated auxiliary verbs in English is most often achieved by suffixing n't, an abbreviated form of not, to the root of a verb with or without changes to the root. Examples of negated auxiliary verbs in standard English are several...

In this song by Nina Simone, AIN´T stands for "I HAVEN´T"

Can you find song lyrics with examples? What other forms does AIN´T stand for?

Nina Simone - Ain't Got No (I Got Life)
Ain't got no home, ain't got no shoes
Ain't got no money, ain't got no class
Ain't got no friends, ain't got no schoolin
Ain't got no worth, ain't got no job
Ain't got no mind

What have I got?
Why am I alive anyway?
Yeah, what have I got?
Nobody can take away

I got my hair, I got my head
I got my brains, I got my ears
I got my eyes, I got my nose
I got my mouth, I got my smile

I got my tongue, I got my chin
I got my neck, I got my booties
I got my heart, I got my soul
I got my back, I got my sex

Ain't got no father, ain't got no mother
Ain't got no children, ain't got no faith
Ain't got no earth, ain't got no water
Ain't got no ticket, ain't got no token
Ain't got no love

What have I got?
Why am I alive anyway?
Yeah, what have I got?
Nobody can take away

I got my hair, I got my head
I got my brains, I got my ears
I got my eyes, I got my nose
I got my mouth, I got my smile

I got my tongue, I got my chin
I got my neck, I got my booties
I got my heart, I got my soul
I got my back, I got my sex

I got my arms, I got my hands
I got my fingers, Got my legs
I got my feet, I got my toes
I got my liver, Got my blood

I've got life, I've got my freedom
I've got the life


  1. what a wonderful song!!!!!! Love it!

  2. Ana Vitoria


    In this song I found another meaning Ain´t.
    That means: not be. Here the meaning of :
    This Is not A Love Song would be ``esto no es una cancion de amor´´
    Hope you like it

  3. That´s right!
    Thus, we conclude AIN´T also stands for IS NOT
    Thanks, Ana!
    Any other meanings?

  4. Alejandra:
    I have found another song with Ain´t.
    the meaning is the same as ana´s."not to be"
    It appears in the song "Soul sister" the one of Train.
    It sais:
    "Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on"
    and it means:
    "hey, alma gemela, no soy ese

  5. Claudia Basabe:

    here we have another song with "ain´t"
    in this song "ain´t" means: there is not

    "...There ain't no mountain high enough
    Ain't no valley low enough
    Ain't no river wide enough..."
    that means:
    "...No hay montaña suficientemente alta
    Ni valle suficientemente bajo
    Ni río suficientemente ancho..."

    This is such a beautiful song called `ain´t no mountain high enough´ by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrel.
    you can find this song in this link
